5G PDU Session and Its Types
Introduction In 5G System, the one of the key task for the networ is to provide the connectivity to UE...
Introduction In 5G System, the one of the key task for the networ is to provide the connectivity to UE...
In 5G Network, Non-access stratum (NAS) layer managed the PLMN specfic Network Failure and Authentication Failures between the 5G UE...
Introduction 3GPP release 17 for 5G NR, introduced the paging enhancements for UE Power Saving, the enhancement is named as...
5G QoS Introduction Quality of service (QoS) refer to the measurement of the overall performance of a service experienced by the...
5G Voice Services Voice Service support is always critical for any network. A user can initiate a Voice Call for...
In 5G NR, Registration is a NAS layer or 5G Mobility Management (5GMM) process and it is very much similar...
In any telecom technology one of the key feature requirement is data session and service continuity to enusre the uninterrputed...
5G Core / Call Flow / NAS Signalling / Open RAN / RRC / Telco Cloud
by Author · Published July 27, 2021 · Last modified August 5, 2021
At 5GC, NAS Mobility Management (5GMM) procedures are responsible to keep track whereabouts of the UE, UE authentication and control...
5G connectivity service is named as PDU Session. A PDU session is very similar to an EPS bearer in LTE,...
5G Authentication and Key Management Secure communication in any cellular network can be achieved with help of AKA procedure. AKA...