Mobile E-commerce Applications

E-commerce apps completely changed the way that companies work. They caused numerous success stories in the past couple of years, expanding the reach and multiplying the sales of multiple stores worldwide.

Because of their success, a good deal of diverse kinds of E-commerce applications were created.

Do you take the mobile-first approach and create your E-commerce app with mobile app development technologies, or go the web-based route and explore the wide range of software for E-commerce available on your hands?

In this article, you will find the perfect solution for your company and begin your journey to E-commerce success.

Mobile E-commerce Applications

Apps nowadays are more often designed for mobile screens rather than computers. That’s no coincidence because smartphones have overtaken personal computers’ place in our society.

Benefits of mobile apps

Users often prefer mobile apps because of the convenience and sheer accessibility they offer. For businesses, the benefits that they give are numerous and priceless.

Not only do they grow the businesses’ audience worldwide, but they also provide room for personalized ads that can bring even more people to your application.

If you want an advantage in a competitive E-commerce world, choose the mobile app path and create your seamless, mobile-friendly experience.

Better performances

When compared with web-based applications, in terms of speed, the mobile ones offer better performances nine out of ten times.

By downloading them on a client’s phone, the time spent getting the data needed is halved, which leads to a more enjoyable, user-friendly experience.

A successful story

There’s a wide range of stories that you can choose from for this category, but you just can’t ignore “Shopper’s Delight.”

With the power of mobile apps with personalized ads, push notifications, and an essential, user-friendly experience, they offered their customers quality pieces of clothing just a few taps away.

We believe the key to their success was integrating with social media networks, which is how “Shopper’s Delight” got famous. They made a feature where customers can share their new purchases with their online friends and sponsor their platform for free.

Web-Based E-commerce Apps

Web applications are apps available through your personal computer’s web browser. They aren’t as easily accessed as mobile ones, but they offer a much more comprehensive range of functionalities that enhance the online shopping experience.

Scalability and integration of other services

Regarding scalability, web-based E-commerce applications are far ahead of mobile apps, and integrating other third-party programs can make the shopping experience magical.

More efficient and secure payment methods, tools that make marketing more effortless, and shipment providers are only some of the various tools web-based apps can use to provide the best service to their clients.

Easier to discover

Search engines play a big part in increasing the visibility of an E-commerce app, especially if that app is search engine optimized.

By displaying it as a result of an online search, it enhances the product’s visibility and redirects many new users to your E-commerce app.

Doesn’t require many resources

Maybe the most significant upside of web-based E-commerce applications is not requiring many resources to create and start working.

Many businesses already use online websites as the foundation for incorporating an E-commerce app, saving enormous resources. That’s why many stakeholders usually choose this route to save some resources and invest them in a different field where they may be needed more.

Introduction to PWAs

PWAs, or Progressive Web Apps, are the web-based applications of the future. They offer features that are the best of both worlds and are becoming more popular daily. Their key feature is offering an app-like experience, but available on all sorts of devices and platforms.

Accessible when offline

A feature of mobile-based applications, users always ask for platforms that can be used offline, and PWAs are the answer. They offer their features in environments without an available network and retain their full functionality.

Fast application

Even though they are web-based, in terms of speed, they work quite similarly to mobile applications.

Nobody wants long loading times, so when designing these kinds of apps, the accent should be put on the pace of the application.

Responsive designs

One of the main characteristics of progressive web applications is accessibility on all devices and platforms.

This calls for an adaptable design for every computer, mobile, or tablet screen to provide the best customer experience.


E-commerce apps have become integral to today’s business and changed how shopping works.

Whether you choose from mobile, web-based, or progressive web applications, you can unlock your business’s full potential and provide your customers with the best online shopping experience.